Support You South Africa

Helping you to connect, communicate and thrive in your new context

Being Welcoming - Beware Unknown Politics

This is part 5 of 10 ways to be more effective in interacting with someone from another country

Try not to assume anything about the other person's political views. Something that may seem absolutely obvious to you may seem very different from their perspective. So don't start conversations with your opinions; if you want to know about what they think, try to ask very unbiased questions - "how do most people in your country view your president?" rather than "you must be so embarrassed/proud of your president!"

And if they ask you about your views on politics, try to give reasons why you see things a certain way so that they can understand your perspective.

Previous tip: Ask about home and show an interest in their world.
Next tip: Avoid stereotyping people of different backgrounds.

Support You runs individual and group sessions to help women who move to South Africa, to connect, communicate and thrive in their new context